Club Recognition is a process with two distinct steps. If you are just starting a club, please read all the points below:
1) Club Constitution and Registry Check (Pre-approval Stage): 
A club registry check must be submitted along with a club constitution. The submission for both can be done here. If you have yet to fill out a club constitution, the template can be found under the “documents” tab below.

2) The completion of a Sexual Violence Prevention Workshop (Full Approval Stage):
You must have your entire executive team completed a workshop either on UMLearn or with the Sexual Violence Resource Centre.

UMLearn: This can be found under the self-enrollment tab. It is titled “UMSU Sexual Violence Prevention Workshop (SVPW022023)

SVRC: Please contact the Sexual Violence Resource Centre to schedule workshop attendance at UMSU does not deal with the scheduling or hosting of these workshop, so please reach out to the SVRC with any questions about this variant.

For all MSC dates and deadline, please refer to the following document (downloadable):

For questions or concerns, please reach out to or