UMSU Hardship Fund
The UMSU Hardship fund is a short term financial assistance program administered by the Vice President Student Life and Services Department. The fund exists to aid students who are in desperate need, and have exhausted all other resources and options available to them. The Hardship Fund is administered to students who apply and are approved, and is issued in the form of a Grant.
Please note assistance from the fund is assessed based on expressed need and you may not receive the exact amount requested.
The UMSU Hardship Fund can only be used by students for the following:
- Childcare Costs
- Healthcare Assistance
- Rent Assistance
- General Assistance (i.e. groceries, school supplies)
- Urgent Bill Payments
- Bus/Transportation (Summer Term Only)
The UMSU Hardship Fund can not in any case be used to pay any student’s tuition , credit card bills, and textbook costs.
To receive the UMSU Hardship Fund students must meet the following criteria:
- Is an UMSU Member (undergraduates paying the ‘Student Organization Fee’ in the current academic term.)
Note: Students may only apply once per academic year (May to April)
Additional Information
Completed applications will be submitted to the VPSL and Services Department. Please allow for a 2-3 weeks’ time for them to fully process and review your application.
Additionally, please submit all of the documentation listed below each category of funding for your application to move forward.
Please also be advised that you may be asked to sign any necessary consent forms and documentation indicating you have given permission for the VPSL and the Services Department to review your case. All information detailed and included within the Hardship Application you submit will be kept strictly confidential between the applicant, VPSL, and Services Department.
For all questions regarding the Hardship Fund, please email