Around the world, we are seeing dramatic shifts in technology and people’s behaviour to help address environmental problems. This is underlined by
But while individual action can make an important contribution to addressing problems like climate change, complex environmental challenges can’t be solved without government leadership.
That’s why on October 3, from 2:00pm – 4:00pm at IQ’s Café and Billiards (3rd Floor, UMSU University Centre), UMSU – in conjunction with the University of Manitoba Graduate Students’ Association (UMGSA) and the University of Manitoba’s Office of Sustainability – are hosting a public, non-partisan Winnipeg South all-candidates debate on the environment.
It is part of a national effort in 100 ridings to host such debates, and to ask our federal candidates to put their and their party’s best policy ideas forward.
Public polling consistently shows support for environmental leadership has never been higher, but this kind of support doesn’t always translate into action from our elected leaders. The debate on October 3, just over two weeks before the federal election, will put candidates face-to-face with voters who want bold, urgent action on the environment.
Winnipeg South’s participation in 100 Debates for the Environment will encourage a race to the top on environmental policy issues in all major parties, demonstrating the strong support that exists for environmental action, and enabling the best policy ideas to come forward to compete for that support. It is a unique and powerful opportunity for each of us to shine a spotlight on the need for environmental leadership in the next Parliament.
The Winnipeg South candidates debate will take place from 2:00pm – 4:00pm at IQ’s Café and Billiards on Wednesday, October 3. This debate is part of 100 Debates on the Environment that are happening across the country on October 3.