UMSU Statement Regarding Election
At the March 13th UMSU Board meeting, the election’s Chief Returning Officer (CRO) presented an emergency motion to the Board to ensure that proper election governance was followed. The motion proposed that if the election process had been violated concerning the Presidential race that a run-off election be subsequently held.
Upon review of the emergency motion, it was ruled by the Chair to be out of order as no election rules were violated. In the situation of the Presidential race where a candidate had been disqualified by the Judicial Board shortly before the voting period was closed, all processes outlined in UMSU bylaws were appropriately followed. As a result, the election results as presented by the CRO will not be modified. UMSU remains committed to using and respecting the best election bylaws and procedures. The Board of Directors will ratify the election results on March 30th.
If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to Pres@umsu.ca and we would be happy to discuss them with you.